Himmesh Reshammiya was born in Bhavnagar to Vipin Reshammiya and Madhu Reshammiya. He had his first success as a music director in 2003 with the album, Tere Naam. After that, he released, Aashiq Banaya Aapne, as a singer, and songs like Tera Suroor, Zara Jhoom Jhoom and Tanhaiyan went on to become hits. He then started acting. His first film, Aap Kaa Surroor - The Real Luv Story was a success, but two of his later films did not do well at the box office. His next movie, Kajraare, was planned to be released in September 2010 but has been put on hold.In August 2010, it was announced that music video director Roman White was going to direct videos (to be filmed in September) for Reshammiya's first international album in English, which will be released in 122 countries by March 2011. Reshammiya was the first singer from India to perform at the Wembley Arena and the Heineken music hall in Amsterdam
himesh reshammiya
himesh reshammiya
himesh reshammiya
himesh reshammiya
himesh reshammiya
himesh reshammiya wallpapers
Posted by Naeem hussain on 8:17 AM
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